On the Middle East route, NYK-Hinode transports steel products, project cargoes, and general cargoes to Arabian Gulf ports; while our eastbound return voyages carry bulk cargoes to Japan and other countries. Among conventional vessel operators hauling cargoes from the Far East to the Middle East, NYK-Hinode ranks first in the number of deployed vessels. Our vessels of 9,000 to 30,000 DWT carry diverse cargoes; our heavy-lift vessels, for example, are capable of lifting up to 450 kilotons. NYK-Hinode makes full use of the seamanship and know-how it has accumulated over the years and applies that expertise in an unremitting effort to promote the Middle East service under the watchword of safe transport.

* Click Port Names to jump to List of Agents.

We have received inquiries about the following:
Q. Service frequency
At present, 4 to 5 vessels per month are deployed to the Middle East. All of them are semi-liners that stop at various ports of call.
Q. Ports of loading and unloading
The main ports in Japan are public ports in Yokohama and Kobe, while the main ports of call in the Arabian Gulf include Jebel Ali, Abu Dhabi, Dammam, and Kuwait. Other ports can also be considered, depending on cargo volumes and conditions.
Q. Transit time
Transit times run about 30 to 40 days, varying according to service rotation.
Q. Cost estimate
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Inquiry form
Q. Date of exchange rate used for currency conversion
We use the exchange rate one day prior to the vessel's entry into the port of loading.
Q. Cargoes transported
The main cargoes are steel products from steel mills and project cargoes for the construction of plants and large facilities. Diverse cargoes are accepted, including heavy-lift and lengthy cargoes.
Q. Advantage of the Middle East Service
Regarding the number of deployed vessels and diverse cargoes, we make it a rule to flexibly meet customers' wishes. Please feel free to contact us for consultation.

List of Agents (Middle East Service)